Did you know: 9.8 million working mothers in the U.S. are suffering from burnout?
Just by being a working mother, women are 28% more likely to experience burnout than fathers, according to the analysis. That means in the U.S., there are 2.35 million additional cases of burnout due to the unequal demands of home and work that are placed on working mothers. And cases of burnout are higher among Black, Asian, and Latino mothers compared to their White counterparts.
This episode is dedicated to working moms, helping to provide some tips and resources so that you can break free and come up for air.
My name is Alex. I am a coach and a mom. I’m also a real person. I like wine, vacations, and spending time with my family. I once lived on a ship for a year in Panama (the country), while managing a remote, high-end marlin fishing lodge in the Pacific Ocean.
My practice is dedicated to helping high-achieving women, especially Moms in Executive Leadership & business owners succeed at work while staying present, being connected at home, and leading fulfilled, balanced lives.
I understand how the path to a successful career can make it seem impossible to lead a balanced life. After all, the world will not only ask more of you than you can possibly give but demand that you never stop giving of yourself. But let me tell you a secret-- Not only is balance possible, but it’s quite a bit of fun. What’s more, by finding balance and satisfaction in your personal life, you can perform better in your career.
Oh, by the way - I am also a licensed mental health psychotherapist with a practice active in 3 states. Before going into business for myself, I had over 10 years of experience in executive-level Leadership in a large nonprofit focused on education and mental health. I am a mom to two young daughters and am all too familiar with the fact that if left unchecked, career pressure and burnout can take over your life.
In fact, that’s how this Executive Burnout Coaching program came to be.
Contact Information:
C: 417-203-0030
Scheduling Link: https://calendly.com/alex_stark/30min
Social Media Links:
FB Biz Page: https://www.facebook.com/talktoalexstark/
Private FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/alexstarkcoaching
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/talktoalexstark/
Therapy Website: www.starktherapeutic.com
IG @projectamy or @lifeonmyterms_podcast
Email info@personalbestcoaching.net